The highly anticipated adaptation of the hit light novel series, “Sword of the Demon Hunter: Kijin Gentōshō,” is finally upon us. Buckle up for a thrilling journey through time and treachery as this historical fantasy epic weaves a tale of vengeance and redemption. Jinta, a warrior marked by a demonic curse, embarks on a quest that spans centuries. Fueled by a tragic loss, he hunts a malevolent demon across the unforgiving landscape of feudal Japan. With each leap through time, Jinta hones his skills and unravels the mystery surrounding his enemy.
Sword of the Demon Hunter: Kijin Gentosho Release Date
Sword of the Demon Hunter: Kijin Gentosho currently has no release date set. Though, a teaser trailer had been released. So, we probably won’t have to wait too much longer and can expect this anime to release at the end of this year into early next year. Watch the teaser trailer for the anime below.