“Slam Dunk” is a popular anime and manga series that was first released in 1990. It was written and illustrated by Takehiko Inoue and serialized in the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine until 1996. The series was later adapted into an anime television series that aired from 1993 to 1996.
Throughout the series, Hanamichi and his teammates strive to become the best high school basketball team in Japan. They face numerous challenges and opponents on their way to the National Championship. Along the way, they also develop friendships, overcome personal issues, and learn valuable life lessons.
The First Slam Dunk movie released last year, though it didn’t come to US theaters. It’s just been announced that the movie will air in the U.S. this summer. No specific release date has been announced yet, though when it’s released it will be posted here. The movie will be about the final arc in the manga which comes as a surprise, but there is context to make it all make sense for those who haven’t seen the anime nor read the manga.