Based on the bestselling novel by C.J. Skuse, the upcoming series Sweet Pea promises to be a thrilling and darkly comedic ride. Centered around the enigmatic character of Rhiannon, the show delves into the complexities of a woman who seems ordinary on the surface but harbors a deadly secret. Ella Purnell takes on the challenging role of Rhiannon, bringing the character to life with a chilling intensity. The series follows Rhiannon as she navigates her carefully constructed life, all while secretly crossing names off a meticulously planned kill list. With a blend of suspense, dark humor, and unexpected twists, Sweet Pea is poised to be a breakout hit.
Sweet Pea TV Series Release Date
Sweet Pea is set to premiere in October 2024 on Starz. Watch the trailer for the series by clicking on the video below.