Humiliation is… well, humiliating; right? It doesn’t have to be this dark cloud over you, though. Learning to cope with past humiliation, or rather, reframing it in your mind can do major help for your own mental health. Having humility Is having a humbleness of your own importance. You know that you are no better nor worse than others.
Everyone has experienced embarrassing situations. If you bring yourself to that moment in memory, you can remember wanting the moment to just be over. If we want these moments to end so bad, why do we spend so much time stuck on them?
The fact is, the most embarrassing moments you have are pretty unforgettable. It’s not a terrible thing to remember, though. You can reframe these memories by owning them. Take control of your memories, and look at them positively. You can laugh at your embarrassing moments, share them with others, and be optimistic about them.
I’ve met people who hide their embarrassing moments, and others that wear them on their sleeve. Those who are unafraid to share their failures and shortcomings are usually happier, and able to live in the moment and move forward on their journey. Don’t get stuck in your humiliation and remember that everything blows over one day. We’ve all had our moments, it’s time to laugh about it rather than be embarrassed by it.