New philosophical ideologies are made all the time, yet they rarely ever stick. Stoicism is something that’s been around since 300 B.C. It’s the ideal that you endure pain or hardship without the display of feelings and without complaint. It was birthed in Athens during the Hellenistic period by Zeno of Citium. Even though this is an ancient philosophy, it’s starting to have an uprising in recent times.
What It Means To Be Stoic
To be Stoic, it means that you are willing to be unemotional in ever-changing war of emotions that happen within you. It means to recognize, yet ignore the negative emotions. Regardless of how you feel, you keep moving forward with no complaints. You stay calm and never let your emotions get the best of you. One of the most famous Stoics named Epictetus once said “we suffer not from the events in our lives but from our judgement about them.”
Some of us could benefit from adopting some Stoic ideologies; especially because we sometimes feel that we can’t control our emotions. The Cardinal Virtues of Stoics are wisdom, temperance, justice, and courage. We can all use these virtues in our everyday life to be better. How do you think you can use the philosophy of Stoicism to benefit you?