Elon Musk has been one of the most interesting, if not the most interesting Intellect of our time. From electric cars, to spaceships, Elon continues to utilize his brain to produce fascinating projects. There’s many topics of discussion that we can have about Elon Musk’s works, although this one will be only discussing one.
Neuralink is a chip that’s implanted in your skull that can fix a various amount of different issues within the brain. In an interview, he claims that Neuralink can make blind people see, and can make deaf people hear. This is revolutionary technology. I’ve never heard of such a thing. I think that it’s interesting that Musk is hyper-focused on (previously hopeless) problems that affect so many people around the world. If that’s not enough for you already, he says the device also has Bluetooth.
Musk reassures to those that are unsure, that Neuralink is not a permanent implant. There is a way to remove this by surgery, if it isn’t functioning how you had hoped. Musk says that this device can go as far as stopping epilepsy before it even happens. Also, he states that this could help Alzheimer’s patients remember things that they’re having trouble with remembering.
This groundbreaking technology is truly futuristic. I do believe that this could bring the next breakthrough era of technology that we’ve been searching for. It’s a move in the right direction. Human trials are beginning soon for Neuralink, and I hope that the best results come from them. I’m all in on the Neuralink technology, as long as it doesn’t start playing ads in peoples heads. Keep doing your best, Elon.