There’s a lot of interesting movies about weather. One of those is the classic movie: Twister, about tornadoes. There’s always an innate fear of tornadoes, due to the destruction of everything in their path. A sequel to the iconic classic is now in the works. The title of the sequel will be “Twisters”.
Did you know that tornadoes form when warm, humid air collides with cold, dry air? That’s why we see so many during the spring and summer (temperatures fluctuate a lot). If you want to stay safe during a tornado, get to a nearby basement, lowest floor, or room with no windows. Also, it helps to have something sturdy to hide underneath. Tornadoes are pretty rare, and you may never see one in your life. But, when the time does come that you are faced with a threat of a tornado.. take action immediately and get to a safe place.

Twisters Release Date
It’s going to be a bit of a wait before we get the sequel to Twister, although in comparison to the wait we’ve already had (1996-now), it’s not too bad. The movie will release July 19th, 2024.