In 2023 everything has been questioned. But, the major question that society has is about extraterrestrial life. Throughout this year we’ve seen congressional meeting(s) about alien life, which is the first time this has ever happened in such a public forum. While the United States had a shocking meeting, Mexico has done what we’ve all been waiting for: show a real alien.
Is Mexico’s Alien A Real Alien?
Whenever you discuss extraterrestrial life, you better expect to be met with resistance. Even though UFO’s have been spotted, aliens have been (allegedly) seen, and now aliens have been (allegedly) uncovered; I still don’t fully believe that there’s another life form on this planet. A week ago, Mexico Congress held a meeting and brought a “real alien” to be observed by public. They were delivered in a box sort-of like a coffin. They also resembled an E.T. like silhouette.
You would imagine that people would be astonished and even afraid of the news that just surfaced. Though, it’s the exact opposite. People don’t care. This could be chalked up to many reasons, but the main one is: people just don’t believe it. Here’s the kicker: they are (probably) right. Scientists have observed the alien carcass and found an unusual similarity to the skeleton of a llama. Could it be, that it’s all a rouse? I’ll let you decide.