Ninja Kamui is an upcoming anime television series that is set to premiere in the United States on Adult Swim’s Toonami. Toonami started in 1997 as an action-anime block on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim The series is directed by Sunghoo Park (Jujutsu Kaisen) and features character designs by Takashi Okazaki (Afro Samurai). The series is produced by E&H Production and Sola Entertainment.
The series is set in a post-apocalyptic future where the world is ruled by a tyrannical government. Joe Higan, a former ninja who escaped from the government, is now living in the United States under a new identity. However, his past comes back to haunt him when he is attacked by assassins who are sent by the government to kill him. Joe is forced to re-assume his identity as Ninja Kamui and embark on a bloody quest of revenge against the government that destroyed his life.
Ninja Kamui Release Date
The release date has not yet been set for Ninja Kamui. Though, you can watch the exciting trailer for the anime on YouTube by clicking here. The anime will release on Adult Swim’s Toonami block.