A couple months ago I wrote an article about people that live the longest. It seems that a majority of us have an infatuation with living long, or on the more sci-fi end, immortality. Throughout history there’s been strange experiments with animals. In the 1950’s there was the “Multi-Dog” (combining two dogs together), In 1995 there were the “Drugged Spiders” (researchers gave spiders different drugs to see how they made webs under the influence), and the Chimp that was raised by humans in 1931. But, this new experiment may take the crown as the strangest experiment and discovery yet.
Researchers at Yale University have restored circulation and cellular activity in the vital organs of pigs, such as the heart and brain, one hour after the animals died. Simply put, the pigs died and were brought back to life. This will soon beg the question of death as a whole. Are living things really gone after their heart stops beating? Science has just found that the answer is now no. Let’s go into detail about what actually happened with the pigs.
After the pigs had been dead for an hour, they were connected to a system called OrganEx. This system pumps a blood substitute throughout the pigs’ bodies. The solution slowed the decomposition and revived the organ systems. While it is an amazing find, the pigs did not regain any sort of consciousness.
This opens up a new world of possibilities. We could one day soon find the ability to have immortality, which is a scary thought. This is, of course, a very optimistic way of looking at this science. Although, in the realm of possibility, we expect the unexpected. I hope efforts move forward to be able to research on how this can help humans. It will take a ton of hard work, a ton of legal processes, and a ton of time, though I believe that this is groundbreaking, and only the first step in discovery.