Dreams put you in a completely different world. When you think about it, it’s weird that we can’t decipher reality from a dream while dreaming. Dreams are mysterious, and maybe that mystery adds to the excitement of them. In this article, i’m going to give you some interesting facts about dreams and dreaming.
Every night we go to sleep, we dream. Although, we don’t usually remember the dreams that we have. It’s natural to dream every day. People that can recall dreams frequently have a more active temporo-parietal junction, which is an information-processing hub in the brain.
Dreams can prepare us for fearful situations. A study done at the University of Geneva showed that we can learn from our nightmares. When we experience fear in our dreams, we learn to adapt to these situations to handle them better in real life. The brain areas responsible for controlling emotions respond to fearful situations much more effectively upon waking up.
Our best dreams (and worst) are experienced during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, which typically occurs 90 minutes after you fall asleep. Also, while sleeping, your muscles are paralyzed, you couldn’t move if you wanted to; which is why we don’t go rogue in our sleep.
All of these facts about dreams, but I still haven’t answered the question of why we dream. Truth is, researchers haven’t yet found why we dream. It still is one of the wonders of the world.