We have a ton of distractions in our everyday lives in the 21st Century. We have video games, TV shows, movies, iPhone’s, virtual reality, podcasts, and so much more to keep us company. These things fill up the empty spots of our lives, and they are always there. In a way, we are able to avoid boredom completely nowadays. But, what happens when we actually sit with it?
Sitting With Boredom
Have you been struggling with patience, or even toleration of things? Well, there may be a fix for you. You see, when you are bored and do nothing about it you can gain something. When we sit with our thoughts for prolonged periods of time we can get better with our patience and or neediness for distraction. It’s something that we have to practice, because being bored and doing nothing isn’t natural for us anymore. We have lost our sense of being able to lose ourselves effortlessly in thought.
Sitting with boredom can spur our most creative thoughts. It can also help us deal with realities of our lives, and view ourselves from a realistic perspective. We should unplug more often, and make sure that we have a time of the day in which we do absolutely nothing. It could be beneficial for those who are living a fast life, and want to slow down a bit.