Trigun is a classic anime that released in 1998. It was set on the fictional planet “No Mans Land” which followed a notorious gunman named Vash the Stampede who fights off bounty hunters coming for his head. Before I watched anime, I heard great things about this show. The anime also had a movie adaption released in 2010. Now, the anime is making another run with: Trigun Stampede.
Synopsis: Vash the Stampede is a gunman on the run with a 60 billion double dollar bounty on his head which has made it difficult for him to go anywhere without being chased and shot at. Because of the bounty, every town he ever visit ends up being destroyed because of his pursuers, and miracliously, no one ever gets killed. Meryl and Milly are two insurance agents that have been sent to find Vash the Stampede and keep him under surveillance so no more damage is caused. Meryl, who leads the pair, can’t believe that the man they have met can possibly be the legendary gunman. This spikey haired, gangly, and blonde young man is extremely friendly, a pacifist, hates blood and suicide, absolutely loves donuts, and is a dork and a crybaby…there is no way he could he be Vash the Stampede, a notorious outlaw. However, there’s more to Vash than just smiles and dounuts..
Trigun Stampede Release Date
This anime will release on January 7th, 2023. A preview for the first episode just released recently, and you can watch that here. For the full trailer on YouTube, you can click here to watch that.