Tower Of God is a Korean anime that follows the protagonist (Bam) of the show through different levels of a mysterious tower. His purpose is to save this girl that he was with before entering the tower, named Rachel, who started advancing through the levels. If you make it to the very top of the Tower Of God you get to wish for whatever you want. Everything starts off confusing, it’s one of those shows that you learn as you go. Although the show has strong character designs and exciting episodes which makes the show an enjoyable watch. I absolutely recommend it, it’s simple and only 12 episodes (for now).
Season 2 was announced a couple weeks ago with a trailer at the Crunchyroll Expo in California. I have to say that even though this show is good, it does surprise me the level of popularity that it has. This could be because this show is made from a Webtoon, which is a comic book but only available on the web; unlike manga’s that are physical products.