Extra-terrestrial life has been trending news this year. It seems to be on a lot of people’s minds, as they keep developing ways to try to reach and respond to aliens. It is a bit strange, because all of this sci-fi type technology is being funded. Who knows something we don’t? The latest development comes from SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
SETI Institute is an organization that was founded on November 20th, 1984. It’s goal is to search for proof of alien life in the star systems. The title of their statement on the new development asks the question: What does humanity do when we discover we are not alone in the Cosmos? Honestly, that is a great question; it’s almost concerning to think about. Luckily SETI scientists and researchers have found a solution.
SETI Post-Detection Hub
The University of ST. Andrews and SETI will work together to figure out humanity’s response. They will bring scientists, and other experts together to find appropriate ways to communicate with intelligent life in the Post-Detection Hub. They will make assessments, protocols, and even treaties to stand in order when contact does eventually occur. There will be a lot of disagreements in this Hub, as it’s a place that welcomes people from different backgrounds to give their perspectives and thoughts to make sure all protocols are appropriate.
In all honesty, I don’t see any good outcome in communication with aliens. The problem is, if there is ever communication with an extraterrestrial.. what are the chances they speak any language on Earth? Even bigger problem, what if they do? Do I have to put on a tin-foil hat to say that I think we are far deeper in than the public recognizes? Nonetheless, it definitely is interesting and smart to get a head start on what’s to come in the ever-changing future.