Suicide Squad Isekai is an upcoming anime series that will be a collaboration between Warner Bros. Japan and Kamikaze Douga. The series will feature the characters from the Suicide Squad DC comic book series being transported to a fantasy world. The series is being directed by Naokatsu Tsuda, who is known for his work on the anime series Death Note and Attack on Titan. The script is being written by Yosuke Kuroda, who is also known for his work on Death Note.
What is Isekai?
Isekai is a Japanese genre of fantasy that involves characters being transported to another world. The genre has become increasingly popular in recent years, and there are now many anime and manga series that fall under the Isekai umbrella. Usually, isekai anime’s are a bit more vulgar as opposed to others so you’ve been warned.
What Can We Expect From Suicide Squad Isekai?
It is still too early to say exactly what to expect from Suicide Squad Isekai, but it is likely that the series will be a mix of action, comedy, and adventure. The characters from the Suicide Squad are known for their dark humor and their willingness to kill, so it is likely that the series will be full of violence and bloodshed. Though, it will be beautifully done as it will be animated by one of the best studios: WIT.
Suicide Squad Isekai Release Date
Suicide Squad Isekai