Microplastics are tiny plastic particles that are less than 5 millimeters in size. They can come from a variety of sources, including the breakdown of larger plastic items, microbeads in personal care products, and synthetic fibers in clothing. Microplastics are a growing concern because they are ubiquitous in the environment and they can persist for hundreds of years. They have been found in the ocean, in soil, in the air, and even in food and drinking water.

The potential health effects of microplastics are still being studied, but there is growing evidence that they can be harmful to human health. Microplastics can be ingested or inhaled, and they can accumulate in tissues and organs. Microplastics have been linked to a variety of health problems, including inflammation, oxidative stress, and cell damage. They may also disrupt the endocrine system and increase the risk of cancer.
We should be conscious about digesting microplastics. As you have just read, they are harmful. We can reduce our intake of microplastics by watching what we eat and drink. Helping ourselves helps the environment as well, change for the better.