Rick and Morty will return for another season of the hit animated show on Adult Swim. The future seemed unsure for a moment there, with controversy surrounding the creator Justin Roiland. More than the creator of the show, he was also the voice actor of Rick and also Morty which are the two main characters of the animated show. Both characters were re-casted new voice actors and both did a shockingly impressive job. Season 7 was a hit and many say it was better than previous seasons, and I can agree with that. While Season 7 finished just about a month ago, Season 8 is already on the horizon.
Rick and Morty Season 8 Release Date
Rick and Morty Season 8 will release in 2025. We will have to wait another year for Rick and Morty and unfortunately the current details are sparse. Stay tuned for future details on Korruption Studios.