In a groundbreaking move, Japanese public broadcaster NHK has interviewed Eren Yaeger, the protagonist of the popular anime series (and best series of all time) Attack on Titan. The interview will be the first time that NHK has interviewed an anime protagonist. Eren is by far one of the most controversial anime characters. He’s both the protagonist and the antagonist of the series, which makes him one of the most interesting characters in anime.
Fans will have a proper send-off, as the series is (seriously) coming to an end this time. The Final Season of Attack on Titan has spanned over 4 years and has been an adventure like no other. Everything we thought we knew got turned upside down. It’s exciting to hear Eren (voiced by Yuki Kaji, yet in character), give his thoughts on everything like never before.
Eren Yaeger NHK Interview Release Date
The NHK interview will be done on the series “The Professionals”, which shows the meaning of professionals with exceptional people who are breaking new ground and making a difference in their area of expertise. The documentary-styled series can be compared to 60 Minutes. The Eren Yaeger NHK interview will air on October 23rd, 2023 in Japan.