Great Pretender first premiered in 2020, captivating audiences with its unique & stylish animation, intricate storylines, and charismatic characters. The series follows the exploits of Makoto Edamura, a self-proclaimed “Japan’s greatest swindler,” as he navigates the treacherous world of con games, teaming up with a cast of con artists along the way.
The sequel is titled Great Pretender razbiluto; it takes Makoto and his crew to new heights of deception and emotional turmoil. The title itself, “razbliuto,” carries a poignant meaning, defined as “the sentimental feeling you have about someone you once loved but no longer do.” This suggests that the sequel will delve into the emotional complexities of Makoto’s relationships, exploring themes of love, loss, and the lingering effects of past connections. Razbiluto will be animated by WIT’s studio (Attack on Titan, Spy x Family).
Great Pretender razbiluto Release Date
The sequel currently doesn’t have a release date, though it’s expected sometime in 2024. You can watch the official teaser trailer below. Stay tuned for further updates!