Castlevania: Nocturne is the upcoming fifth season of the Castlevania anime series on Netflix. It is set over 300 years after the events of the original series, and follows the story of Richter Belmont, the last living descendant of Trevor and Sypha Belmont. Richter must team up with Maria Renard and Annette to prevent a group of French vampires from summoning a “Vampire Messiah” and blotting out the sun for good.
Castlevania: Nocturne is sure to be an exciting and suspenseful series, with its mix of action, adventure, and horror. The series is also expected to be more visually stunning than the previous seasons, thanks to the work of Powerhouse Animation.
Castlevania: Nocturne Release Date
The series is created by Kevin Kolde and written by Clive Bradley, and is produced by Powerhouse Animation. It is set to premiere on Netflix on September 28, 2023. You can watch the exciting trailer by clicking here.