The iconic looter-shooter franchise “Borderlands” is finally making its long-awaited jump to the big screen with the upcoming movie simply titled “Borderlands.” The film promises a chaotic, action-packed adventure through the bandit-infested planet of Pandora. The “Borderlands” games are celebrated for their vibrant, cel-shaded visuals, wacky characters, and over-the-top gunplay. The movie aims to replicate this with a live-action adaptation, utilizing CGI and practical effects to bring the fantastical creatures and environments of Pandora to life. Horror film director Eli Roth is taking on the project and the cast is star-studded with Kevin Hart and Jamie-Lee-Curtis for example.
Borderlands Live-Action Movie Release Date
Borderlands currently has no set release date. In the trailer, it says that it is “coming soon”. We will not have to wait for much longer though, as the trailer has been released! You can watch the trailer now by clicking on the video below.