The dark fantasy light novel series Berserk of Gluttony is getting an anime adaptation, as it was announced today. This anime is not to be confused with Berserk, which follows Guts; yet a shunned person named Fate who has the dark skill of gluttony. The anime will be produced by A.C.G.T. and directed by Tetsuya Yanagisawa, with scripts supervised by Mariko Kunisawa, and characters designed by Takafumi Furusawa. It is set to premiere later this year.
The story of Berserk of Gluttony follows Fate Graphite, a young man who is cursed with the skill “Gluttony.” This skill allows him to devour the skills and abilities of others, but it also makes him constantly hungry. One day, Fate kills a dying thief and devours his strength—and his soul. This awakens the true hunger of Fate’s Gluttony, and if he can learn to control his power, he will at last be the master of his own destiny.
Berserk of Gluttony Release Date
The announcement of the Berserk of Gluttony anime has been met with excitement from fans of the light novel series. The series has been praised for its dark and gritty world-building, its complex characters, and its fast-paced action. The anime adaptation is sure to be a hit with fans of the genre. It is set to release October 2023. You can watch the trailer on YouTube by clicking here.