One of the best Shounen anime’s I’ve ever seen just got a release date for season 2. The anime’s name is: Jujutsu Kaisen. The show follows a high-school student named Yuji Itadori. He’s extremely talented, yet his talent goes mostly unused because of his lack of passion for sports activities. Due to some unfortunate events, he ended up swallowing a mystical item: the finger of a beast. This beast, serves as a devil-like creature of the Jujutsu Kaisen universe named “Sukana“. Yuji gets devil-powers from eating this finger and must join Jujutsu High: the school of cursed users.
Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 “Shibuya Incident Arc” Release Date
The release date for the Shibuya Incident Arc will release in July, 2023. This was announced during a new trailer for Jujutsu Kaisen at the Jump Fiesta. The new season will be animated by MAPPA. You can watch the trailer on YouTube here.