Psycho-Pass is an anime about a future in which people rely on technology to analyze mental health. Whenever someone’s Psycho-Pass is at a dangerous level they get arrested. This could happen for many reasons, and there’s no way possible to manipulate it. There’s people in the show that try to evade or hide when their Psycho-Pass gets to a dangerous level, although the agency (main characters) usually end up catching them and detaining them with a gun-like weapon called the Dominator.
New York City (in real life) just came out and said recently that Mentally Ill people will be “involuntarily hospitalized“. Seems like Psycho-Pass wasn’t such a far fetched idea after all, it’s actually somewhat of a reality now. Anyways: today, the creators of Psycho-Pass announced an online exhibit.
Psycho-Pass Online Exhibit
Today on Twitter, it was announced that a Psycho Pass 10th anniversary exhibit will be held online from the 19th of this month to February 2023. You can visit the website right now by clicking here. If you haven’t seen Psycho Pass I highly recommend the show. It keeps your attention and is also very interesting considering the current events. There’s a chance this could be our future, we’ve seen a similar conceptual episode in Black Mirror.
You can stream Psycho Pass right now on Crunchyroll.