The Simpsons is an animated sitcom about the humorous American life. It is also the longest running scripted American primetime show. It’s become a household name, as many people have at least seen one episode of the show.
As crazy as it sounds, The Simpsons has accurately predicted many occurrences on the show before they actually happened in real life. In this article, I will list the 5 most significant predictions.
Redskins Winning The Super Bowl
In the episode “Lisa The Greek”, the theme was football. It was aired a couple days before Super Bowl 26. They correctly predicted that the Washington Redskins would win the Super Bowl.
Donald Trump Becoming President
The Simpsons actually predicted the Reality TV entrepreneur Donald Trump would become President! In the episode “Bart to the Future” , Lisa references President Trump while in the White House being her predecessor.
Apple Smart Phone & Autocorrect
The episode “Lisa On Ice” released in 1994, which featured what looks like an Apple Smart Phone (a device with a green apple logo). A character writes on this smart device the sentence “beat up Martin” which gets replaced to “eat up Martha” which is an early allude to autocorrect as well.
2020 & COVID & Murder Hornets
This one is probably the craziest, mind-blowing episodes in hindsight. In the episode “Marge in Chains”, Springfield gets hit with the… Osaka Flu Pandemic. Riots break out, and it seems to mirror the beginning of our pandemic in 2020. In this same episode, while searching for a cure, rioters stumble upon Killer Bees much alike the Murder Hornets we had in 2020.
In the episode “Lisa’s Wedding”, Lisa engaged in a video chat with her mother Marge. This looks very similar to Apple’s FaceTime, which released around 20 years later!