“This Blue Is Mine,” a highly anticipated sci-fi thriller, is poised to make waves with its intriguing premise and talented cast. The story unfolds at a tropical resort where Arthur, a carefree hedonist, introduces his enigmatic new girlfriend, Ivy, to his family. Ivy’s arrival disrupts the family dynamics with her mysterious behavior and captivating presence, leading to questions about her true nature. Starring Zazie Beetz and Elizabeth Debicki, “This Blue Is Mine” boasts a powerful duo. Beetz, known for her roles in “Atlanta” and “Joker,” will likely bring her signature intensity to the film. Debicki, recently seen in “Tenet” and “The Crown,” is known for her ability to portray complex and captivating characters.
The Blue Is Mine Release Date
There is currently no release date for The Blue is Mine. It is still early in production and will be a while before a release date is announced. Stay tuned on Korruption Studios for information when it’s released.